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#76532 by ROBERT PENN
Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:54 am
I am having a quirk that i can't figure out.
I have added an xref to a drawing and set up the required layers to be on within the xref.
I save the xref with the GTV link switched on.
Now occasionally the layers all switch off. At first i think that the xref may have dropped out of the drawing so I go and re-install it through the orphaned xref'd menu, but of late I have found that the xref is not actually orphaned but still within the drawing. I go to the xref manager and turn the required layers on, but they do not stick, when i exit the manager or if I save the layer list in the manager all the layers switch off again. A real pain!
It seems the only way I can remedy this is to delete the xref and re install it again. Another pain when i have to rotate the xref into position everytime!.

Has anyone have this happen to them?
#76534 by ROBERT PENN
Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:53 am
Hi Neil,

Yes I have done that frequently! But that is not the problem here.
When I try to save the layers in the Reference manager they wont stick when i exit the reference manager, so they are already gone way before I even get the chance to update my GTV in the Go To View menu.

Whether I set the layers on/off manually in the refernce manager or use the save view from the xref to set the layers on/off in the reference manager, all the layers turn off whether I either press the save button in the Reference manger or just exit out of the reference manager.

Can't get beyond that! The only way is to delete the xref and re-insert it, then the layers will stick in the new xref, - until the problem comes back again. Seems that the xref gets corrupted some how.
Today I have inserted a new xref, rotated it to where I wanted it and then saved the layer file out, so if it happens again I might be able to import that saved layer file back in. Hoping this will fix the problem ongoingly so i don't have to locate the xref when i insert it. We shall see tomorrow when I continue working on the project - if the problem occurs again.

This has happened on a couple of jobs in the last month or so.
#76536 by Paul Nida
Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:48 am
We have been having a problem with orphaned xrefs as well. We open a drawing file with dozens of xrefs in them and it will show one or two xrefs as orphaned even though they are not. And if you immediately close the drawing file and reopen it sometimes it will show different xrefs as orphaned. If you close and open it again it may open with no orphans or it may repeat opening with different orphaned xrefs. Currently I am thinking it is a network problem but I am not sure.
#76539 by joshhuggins
Thu Jun 20, 2019 1:13 pm
Paul Nida wrote:Currently I am thinking it is a network problem but I am not sure.
Or hard drive issue. :? Time to dbl check those backups are running well! I have been using a tool from StableBit called Scanner that works well to monitor drive health.
#76800 by artmanvt2000
Fri Jul 26, 2019 10:19 am

I haven't used the Xref link to GTV feature yet, but thought I may brainstorm some ideas. We the xref layer locked? Having the xref on a locker layer may prevent the layer toggling to work properly. Do you have the same Xref linked to multiple views? If, this is the case, try having a separate Xref and layer for each GTV.
#76806 by ROBERT PENN
Fri Jul 26, 2019 3:33 pm
Hi Arthur,

Thank you for your input.
I never did get to the bottom of this problem other than to re-insert the xref.

The xref was not on a locked layer.

Luckily, touch wood, I haven't had the problem in any ongoing projects. it seems like a very intermittent problem.

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