What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#77722 by melina
Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:49 pm
I apologize if someone has already requested this (I couldn't find it):

It would be great if a means of setting the 2d/3d attributes of a symbol's layers was possible during the the "Save Symbol" process. Perhaps a toggle in the "Save Symbol" menu to open up the layer setting dialog as needed.

*And if there is already a way to do this, please let me know, I could really use it at the moment!! Thanks!
#77723 by joshhuggins
Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:03 pm
That's a good idea Melina! Maybe a menu toggle that could open the symbol layer manager before the save completes?
#77725 by Mark Bell
Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:37 am
Hi Melina,

Have you tried adopting the View-dependent symbol layers method which came out with X3 and is shown on p130 of the What's New in DataCAD 21 pdf? (located in \DataCAD21\Help).
Your suggestion would make it easier to know prior to saving what is set to 2D and/or 3D to avoid going in and out to readjust.
#77726 by melina
Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:50 am
Interesting thought, Mark.
Yes, I always have View Dependency set to on. However, that doesn't really help preset the 2d/3d attribute at the time of symbol creation, unless the layer(s) already exist within the file and have had their view dependency defined previously. And if the symbol being created *only* uses layers so previously defined. One still has to take extra steps go back afterward to edit the symbol to set dependency on new layers - even with view-dependency on. :(

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