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#78223 by tlarso
Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:43 pm
Is there any way to convert .SM3 files to .AEC files to use in DataCAD 21?
#78224 by Roger D
Thu Jun 18, 2020 6:02 pm
I think you can open them as a symbol and it will automatically convert it to a new symbol file but then you can always do a symbol edit and save as aec
#78226 by joshhuggins
Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:32 pm
Getting all your symbols converted over to DSF files is the best method to work with your old symbols in newer versions of Datacad. Converting them to DSF's should be something you do at an early convenience.

With Datacad closed, if you open your C:\DataCAD 21\DCADWIN.INI file in a text editor like Notepad, and locate the [SymbolBrowser] section below, you can modify or add the following line and set it to TRUE.
Code: Select all[SymbolBrowser]

Save and close the DCADWIN.INI file. Start Datacad and create a new blank drawing. Then you can use the Symbol Browser to browse thru the folders where you have your SM3 files stored and Datacad will create new newer DSF versions of all of your SM3 symbols as you browse folder by folder.

If Datacad crashes while browsing folders, it's usually because a SM3 symbol has some bad data in it. Close Datacad, in windows File Explorer browse to the last folder you opened. Set the Windows Sort By to 'Name' and you will usually be able to see the last converted symbol, and then it's usually the next symbol in the list that caused the crash. I then make a folder somewhere like on my desktop and move the bad symbols there to deal with later. Visit your C:\DataCAD 21\Temporary Files\ folder, delete any files in the folder, and then restart Datacad and open a new base file. You should then be able to continue browsing your SM3 folder structure to continue converting your SM3 symbols to DSF symbols.

Once your catalog of symbols is converted, Close Datacad and you can reopen the DCADWIN.INI file in your text editor and change the same line to ConvSM3ToDSF=FALSE, close and save the file. You will want to make sure to change this line back to FALSE when all your symbols are converted so your Symbol Browser browsing will be nice and speedy since it won't be looking for symbols to convert as you change folders.

As for the trouble SM3 files (you may not have any, the conversion process for our 10's of thousands of symbols went very well, with less than 100 issues I would guess, it's been a while since we converted our back in the day), you will have to take a look at them one by one, using a new base drawing, and using the Insert menu at the top and then selecting Symbol to see if you can import them manually into a drawing and then you can use the Symbol Browser's Save Symbol feature to recreate a new DSF version of the symbol.

If you need more help just let us know!

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