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#78530 by joshhuggins
Sun Aug 09, 2020 6:32 pm
Is there a value for the width of Pen 16?
#78532 by Roger D
Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:05 pm
I believe it is the generic setting for the screen color of the object.
Not sure on width, I usually use it for solid fills.
#78533 by joshhuggins
Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:57 pm
I think I figured out my issue. When using a TTF with Fill set, no matter what color/pen your text is, it does not get drawn with any pen thickness (similar to how pen 16 works, minus drawing in color). I can turn on outline and then the outline will adjust itself using the color/pen settings. Unfortunately right now I have all of our standards built using just fill and I don't want to go back and add a outline as the color pen that I would have to use would be different that the fill color and then when working in the drawing it looks like the text is the wrong color until you zoom in enough to see the fill color.

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