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#79157 by bchrd
Sat Dec 05, 2020 5:27 pm
I have not been doing any work with DataCad in quite awhile and I have forgotten how to do something pretty basic and need help.
I have a 3d model of a fence and gate, done with DataCad and in the plan view I select Edit Clipboard Select and put a box around the area I want to see in elevation.
I then go to Elevation View and select Front. I now have the front elevation. I forget how to make a 2d copy of this that I can edit in 2d (add text, erase, dimension, etc). If I select 2d and then dimensions it all reverts back to the plan view.
I have done this 100's of times before but my memory fails me and I need some help. Thank you.
#79158 by Roger D
Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:10 pm
I usually do the elevation, then do an Hide on the image and save to a new layer where you can note it.
#79159 by Mark Bell
Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:54 pm
...and remember to turn F0 Clip Cube ON before picking Begin to create the HLR, otherwise the hidden line removal will be done outside of the clipcube.

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