Found a hidden feature or want to share a time-saving shortcut? Let us all know...
#8079 by RDanne
Fri Dec 02, 2005 12:46 pm
Maybe this is a new SB feature, or maybe I just never realized this... but you can select multiple symbols at the same time, and then place them in a sequential order! You have to simply select the symbols from the Symbol Browser in the reverse order that you want to place them. You place the first symbol (as many times as needed), then when you right-click to exit it, the next one is now on your cursor ready to be placed. With a little thinking ahead, this is a quick way to build sections or place generic notes & annotation.

Ron Danne
DCAD v11.08.01
#8083 by joshhuggins
Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:34 pm
That's a neat trick! Takes a bit of getting use to on the right click, but pretty cool.

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