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#81183 by VDS
Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:50 pm
Are TTF fonts (imported to DataCAD) not responsive to pen table weights as default SHX fonts?

Also, how do I insert a screenshot into this forum?
#81185 by joshhuggins
Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:16 pm
The outline of TTFs will respond to your current pen weights. The fills of the TTF will also respond to the opacity set in the pen table to the corrisponding pens. If things still seem like they are not working right, you may need to check that the colors of your existing/imported text are set propperly. Crtl+Right Click on the text and select 'Text Properties', then click the Font 'Change' button. Under the TrueType Fill / Outline section, for whatever method(s) you are using, make sure that the corrisponding '... with current color' option is selected. If it was not selected, whatever color is set just to the Left of the check boxes is what would be used to color the fonts and it could affect their output if it's not what you were expecting.
#81188 by dhs
Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:27 pm
Also, how do I insert a screenshot into this forum?

Select the 'Upload attachment' tab (below the area where you type the text of the post), select and then add an image file (of your screenshot), and then once it is uploaded you will see a button to 'Place inline'.
#81190 by joshhuggins
Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:36 pm
Couple other things to check
- Are you only using fills for the TTFs?
- Is Pen Sort turned on in the Print menu?
- In the Pen Table, is Map Fill colors to pen colors checked?
- If you Identify the text, is the text actually the expected color, ex: Is it actually White vs something like Color 255 that looks like white? Sometimes imported Autocad color won't map right if the Color Translation table is not checked.
#81191 by VDS
Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:52 pm
Yes to all of these Josh. It's okay I can use an SHX font. Just weird it's still not working.

For curiosity sake, I'm dying to know what the Pen Sort button means...? If unchecked it will select Preview button and a button labeled "WYSIWYG". What are those buttons??? Always been confusing to me.
#81192 by joshhuggins
Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:37 am
I thought I had a detailed post somewhere here on the forum describing this but I can't find it at the moment. Quick version is;

Pen Sort: Entities will be printed onto the paper (or PDF) according to the entities color and how that color is assigned in the currently loaded pen table. So say in a pen table White is mapped to Pen 1, Red is mapped to Pen 2, and Green is mapped to Pen 3. When printing with Pen Sort On, White entities (Pen 1) will be printed first, overlapped by green (Pen 2), and then overlapped then by red entities (Pen 3).

Pen Sort Off / WYSIWYG Off: Entities will be printed in the order that the entities exisit in the drawings database, with the first layer drawn first and subsequent layers being drawn stacked on top of the layer before it. Entities on each layer also have a order. When you use the Move to Back tool on an entity, the entity will move to the bottom of it's layers stack. Move to Front will move an entity to the top of it's layer stack, thus printing above all it's layers other entities.


Pen Sort Off / WYSIWYG On: Entities will be printed how they appear on screen. WYSIWYG, pronounced "wiz-E-wig" is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". The on screen display is primarily ordered by how the entities exisit in the drawings database with the possiblity of a few exceptions. For example, if you go into the Display menu, Layer Order, you can set to F2 Draw Last, so that the current active layer always displays last which would draw / print your current layer on top of all the other layers reguardless of the active layers location in the layer menu list / Layer Manager.

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