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#851 by RParker
Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:33 pm
Really need a viewer that will allow me to look at and print Arch Desktop dwg's. The free download for VoloView 2 is gone. I don't mind purchasing something but would like to know if it works first. Any suggestions.
Thank you
#857 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:30 pm
Hello & welcome, to both Robert P. and Robert P.!

I kinda' doubt that you will be able to view an ADT file in anything but the same version of ADT. Because, ADT v3 can't open ADT v2, which can't open ADT v1, IIANM. So, it seems to me to be fairly unlikely that AutoDesk will have a viewer for the particular version of ADT that you need to deal with! :roll:

I also find it interesting that this question is being asked here on the DataCAD message board, and not an AutoDesk one? :o Possibly because there are better chances at getting an answer? (Though obviously, mine is not very definitive...)
#882 by RParker
Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:08 pm
Thanks for the link. It was able to open what I needed. The reason I asked here is: I was a long time DCAD user and DeBug member. I left employer to take new job (and DCAD so I thought). At new job, circumstances led me to be only CAD operator and with no software. Guess what I picked. Am now happy (again) user of v. 11 but needed to read past files. Hope I never leave again - it's good to be back.

Robert Parker

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