Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#12139 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:47 am

Recently, I have used o2c Interactive!, and if it does carry forward as a companion rendering program to DataCAD v12, I would like to see several things improved:

DataCAD's GTV's need to get imported into o2cI!

Lighting control needs to be improved: the ambient lights are pretty random and using them is hit or miss. Some materials seem to be washed out and overly glarey, while others are quite dark. The light levels of lights in objects seem to either be too bright, or not cast any ray tracing light at all.

The resulting rendered images are getting cropped differently than the view used for it. Some surfaces are coming out quite rough -- they look like 256 colors, vs others that look much better.

[click on thumbnail to see larger image]

Also, why is BMP the only option for Saving Image, while TIF's an others are available in Batch Rendering?

All the tool dialogs need to be resizable -- Material Properties in particular should be wider to be able to see the whole path...I like being able to use the second monitor for all these and unclutter the main rendering/model window.

It is hard to find the way to turn on/off the various tool dialogs.

It would be great to be able to right-click on something and get the rendering settings, like we can in DataCAD. Also, why don't layers show up in o2c Interactive!, if they are used for assigning materials/textures?

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