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#76207 by Lars
Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:42 pm
I'm having an issue with knockouts. I am using them to mask out leader lines that cut through building assemblies in sections and details. I've had them on the same layer as the leader then just push the leader to the front with no problems when printing. Now, I'm doing it the same way, yet the knockout will always mask out whatever is within the knockout boundary when printing. It looks fine when drawing and viewing linework. I've tried moving the knockouts to a different layer and putting them below the leaders with no effect. I've even restarted DC with no change. Knockouts are now blocking everything within their borders. (above and below)

My knockouts are created using closed polylines.
Color = white.
Pen weight = 1
Line Type = Solid (no borders)
Base = 0
Height = 0
I use Pen Sort when printing (although its doing the same thing using WSYWIG)

Could adjusting z-heights work?

Appearance should be as follows: Leaders above knockouts above linework.

#76210 by joshhuggins
Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:57 pm
Check to see if under view, Knockouts, that Compatibility Mode is turned ON.
#76212 by joshhuggins
Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:00 pm
What colors are your leaders? And what pens are your color White and your leader colors mapped to in the pen table?
#76221 by Mark Bell
Thu Apr 11, 2019 5:29 am
1. Try Print/S6 WYSIWYG and use the Move entities front/back icon to move the KO to the front so it will be drawn after the arrow/leader, ie. on top of it.

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