What was new in DataCAD 17?
DataCAD 17 New Feature Highlights

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All-New SketchUp Translator

DataCAD 17 supports the ability to insert models from SketchUp 2013 and 2014, export DataCAD models to SketchUp 2013 and 2014, and to insert SketchUp 2013 and 2014 models into DataCAD drawings as external references (XREFs). This enables you to collaborate and share files with associates who use the latest versions of SketchUp.

Inference Snapping

"Inference Snapping" allows you to use the left mouse button to object snap to an entity that is within the current object snap miss distance. If no entity is found within the miss distance, then DataCAD will register the left click as a standard left click.
Note: Either the dynamic snapping "Hint" or "Indicator" must be enabled to use this feature.

Productivity Enhancements

Edit Smart Walls with Clean/Cap Option
There is a new sub-menu labeled "Clean/Cap" in the Architect/Edit Walls menu (with Auto3D on). It provides the ability to change the status of Clean, Cap and Trim In/Out for smart wall nodes using Entity, Group, Area, Fence, Selection Set or Select All.

Mask by Hatch Pattern
There is a new option in the “Mask” sub-menu of each editing command that enables you to select entities by their assigned Hatch Pattern.

New Geometry Commands
The Utility/Geometry menu has some new commands. In the “Tangents” sub-menu, you’ll find that the “2 Points” method of aligning the snap grid now works while in parallel 3D views, such as elevation or isometric. The “Offset” sub-menu includes "Dist / 2" and "Dist * 2" options (when “Dynamic” is toggled off). They will divide the current offset distance by two, or multiply it by two, respectively. Also, there is a new "Offset Z" function which gives you the ability to offset objects in the Z direction.

Symbol Tools
The [Ctrl]+[Right-click] context menu for Symbols has a new command that will launch Windows Explorer and then open the folder in which the selected symbol is stored.

Smart Entity Reassociate Option
If a Smart Door or Smart Window becomes detached from the Smart Wall into which it was originally inserted, you can use the new button labeled "Reassociate" in the "Architect" menu (when "Auto 3D" is enabled).

Smart 'Pocket' Door Color
You now have the ability to define a specific color for the pocket portion of Smart Pocket Doors. Previously, the pocket had to match the jamb color, as defined on the "Jambs" tab.

Symbol Attribute Text
Symbol Attribute Text entities now support the Underline and Overline properties. The Underline and Overline are variable length, and match the length of the value text entered. DataCAD has the ability to object snap to the underline and overline as well.

Changing Text
A new option labeled "Edit Contents" has been added to the [Ctrl]+[Right-click] context menu for single-line text, MText, and PText.

Changing MText and PText Line Factor

The Change/Text menu has a new command labeled “Factor.” This option enables you to change the line spacing factor (the vertical space between individual lines of text) inside of PText and MText entities. Note: Single-line text is not supported.

Managing Drawing Materials
The “Edit Materials” dialog contains three new buttons labeled “Reload,” “Unload,” and “Purge Unused.”

Interface and Program Behavior Enhancements

While in the Dimension/Linear/Arrow Style menu, you will now see “Color=” displayed on the “Attention” toolbar at the bottom of the program interface. This shows the current value of the dimension arrow/tick mark color setting.

The "Entity Properties Editor" for symbols and XREFs, accessed via the [Ctrl]+[Right-click] context menu, now displays the "Line Spacing Factor." This value is the line spacing factor/enlargement. It is also shown in the [Ctrl]+[Right-click]/Identify context menu, and in the list of information returned by the Identify command.

XREFs on locked layers can now be refreshed (but not reloaded).

Layer Manager
When "Keep Layer Manager Open" is checked on the Layer Manager, it will now remain on-screen throughout an editing session, even if all drawings are closed.

When using "Dynamic" in the Geometry/Offset menu to offset a line, DataCAD now displays a rubber-band line to indicate the direction of the offset.

Text Alignment Point
When "Draw Text Insertion Point=TRUE" in the [Debug] section of dcadwin.ini, DataCAD will display the text insertion point on the screen, but will not print it.

GoTo Views
Previously, if a drawing contained more than 10 GoTo Views, and you accessed the second page of the list, chose Move View, picked a view to move, and then picked the view to move it in front of, DataCAD would revert to the first page of views when finished. Now, DataCAD remains on the page you were on when you began the process of moving the view.

Sun Shader
The “View” pull-down menu and the View toolbar in the Sun Shader have a new command labeled “Sun’s eye view.” Clicking this option will orient your model in the Sun Shader as if you were viewing it from the Sun’s position.

New Configuration Settings

DataCAD 17 contains new configuration settings designed to improve program speed and functionality, while simultaneously improving productivity. After closing all drawings and then exiting DataCAD, open the “dcadwin.ini” file, located in the DataCAD 17\ installation folder on your C drive, to make changes.

Note: You should make a backup copy of dcadwin.ini prior to editing, in case you need to return the program to its previous state.

Symbol Browser
There are two new keys in the configuration settings file that can automatically alphabetize the "Recent Folders" and "Favorite Folders" lists in the Folder drop-down menu on the Symbol Browser.

Sort Recent=FALSE
Sort Favorites=FALSE

Set either key to TRUE to have the corresponding list sorted alphanumerically.

Symbol Editor
There is also a new key in the configuration settings file related to editing symbols in the Symbol Editor.

Close Symbol Editor Windows First=FALSE

When absent or set to TRUE, if a drawing file and a Symbol Editor window are open and the drawing is the active window, selecting File/Close All/Yes to All will result in DataCAD automatically switching to the Symbol Editor window to close it first. When set to FALSE, the windows will close in the current order, which may result in the "Save As" dialog being displayed for the Symbol Editor window, because the drawing from which the symbol originated has already been closed.

Nested Symbols
Added support for the "Lock Size" property on nested-level symbols, independent of the status of this setting on the top-level symbol in which the nested symbols are inserted.

Allow Scale Dependent Nested Symbols=TRUE

When FALSE or absent, DataCAD continues to function as it did previously; Lock Size is not supported on nested level symbols.

Added support for updating the GTV Link parameters for an XREF that is inserted upon a locked layer.

Always Update GTV Links=FALSE

When absent or FALSE (default) nothing is changed; XREFs that reside on locked layers cannot have their GTV Link updated. When TRUE, XREFs that reside on locked layers may have their GTV Link updated.

Text Scale
The option to completely disable “Text Scale” in the Text and Dimension/Text Style menus has been added.

No Text Scale=FALSE

When absent or FALSE (default), the Text Scale button is available in the Text and Dimension/Linear/Text Style menus. When TRUE, The Text Scale button is absent from both menus, and the function is disabled.

GoTo Views
New in DataCAD 16, GoTo Views store the status and angle of Tangents, from the Utility/Geometry menu, and subsequently recall those values when the GoTo View is later accessed.

GTV Remembers Tangents=TRUE

When absent or TRUE (default), GoTo Views store the status and angle of Tangents and the value of Tan Div from the Geometry/Tangents menu, and recall them as GoTo Views are restored (added in 16.00.00). Setting this key to FALSE will omit all Tangents related settings from the parameters stored and recalled by GoTo Views.

New Extended Character Codes

The following extended character codes have been added:

Extended character codes are used when programming icon toolbars and keyboard macros. When using any of the following new extended character codes, you will use the syntax V= for a toolbar button which executes just the one single command, A=10XX# or A=30XX# in a toolbar button sequence that contains more than one command, or 10XX# or 30XX# in a keyboard macro. For more information on toolbar programming, see the topic “Creating Custom Toolbars” starting on page 591 of the Reference Manual.

Text Underline and Overline
The following extended character codes can be used to define the status of the Underline and Overline properties in the Text/Font dialog:

1096 - PText/MText Boundary On
1097 - PText/MText Boundary Off
1098 - Purge Unused Symbols
1099 - Reload All Symbols

Revision History

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