Adding Compile and Link Commands for DCAL to UltraEdit-32

UltraEdit has the ability to be configured to operate as a fairly powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming. You may be familiar with high priced tools for other languages like C++ or Visual Basic, well with some tweaking you can create you own IDE for DCAL using UltraEdit. By using the Keyword highlighting features and the ability to create your own macros to call the DCAL compiler you can have a one stop code editing and compiling tool. Here is how to configure the macros...

Under the Advanced menu item select Tool Configuration. You will be presented with a dialog.

UltraEdit-32 Tool Configuration

Enter the command you wish to execute in the Command Line field.

For example to compile a DCAL source file (*.dcs), insert the command: dcc %P%N. The %P%N inserts the current file path and name automatically.

Enter the path to the DCAL compiler and/or linker (DCC.exe or DCL.exe) in the Working Directory field.
Typically, this is something like C:\DATACAD\DCAL.

Enter a name to appear on the Advanced menu. For example, 'DCAL - Build DCS'.

UltraEdit-32 Tool Configuration

Select the 'DOS Program' Program Type.

Check the 'Save all files first' checkbox to ensure recent changes are saved prior to compilation or linking.

UltraEdit-32 Tool Configuration

Select the 'Output to List Box' and 'Capture Output' checkboxes to have the error codes pasted into an UltraEdit window.

Save your changes and you will now see the new macro listed under the Advanced pull-down menu. The program will assign hotkeys to each of your macros making it easy to compile and/or link you program on the fly.

You can also program toolbar icons to execute your macros. Refer to the online help for more information on setting this up.

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