DataCAD Community

The DataCAD Forum is a FREE online community we provide to enhance your experience with DataCAD. We hope you'll visit often to get answers, share ideas, and interact with other DataCAD users around the world. Inspired by the online forum DBUG (see information below), it is our hope that the DataCAD Message Board will become an invaluable resource for DataCAD users.

The DataCAD Message Board has several discussion groups. In the first group, Support and Information, you'll find forums specifically geared toward the most recent versions of DataCAD, DataCAD LT, and o2c Interactive. There is a Training group where you can ask "How do I?" type questions and get answers from DataCAD experts. You can also use the Cheap Tricks forum to post your own time-saving shortcuts. The General Discussion group is intended for Off Topic subjects related to architecture, engineering, and construction, but not specific to the use of DataCAD. In this section you'll also find Product Reviews on hardware and software, and you can use the Wishlist forum to send us your ideas for new features. Last but not least, check out the Classifieds section if you're looking for a new job that requires your DataCAD skills or if you're an employer looking for applicants with DataCAD skills.

International Forums
DataCAD Forum - Israel

DDN (DataCAD Developer Network)

This FREE online forum is a resource for anyone who is developing their own DCAL (DataCAD Applications Language) macros, fonts, line types, hatch patterns, and icon toolbars for DataCAD.

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