DDN Resources

A variety of links and tools for the DataCAD developer

DDN Links

Cheap Tricks Ware - The best resource for third-party add-ons for DataCAD. An extensive collection of drawings, macros, line types, hatches, fonts and other goodies for the DataCAD user. Cheap Tricks Ware is the place to offer your custom creations for sale as well. Home of the Cheap Tricks Newsletter. If you don't subscribe, you should.

Joseph Baron offers custom DCAL programming to fit your specific needs. He has programmed DCAL since 1992 and has generated custom applications in architectural metal work.

Visual Conversion Master Demo is a Windows program that works with your existing DOS or Windows DWG translators. VCM allows for batch translations of .DC5 or .DWG drawing files. Demo is limited to translating two files at one time. Refer to online documentation for information on ordering the full version. For Windows 95/98/NT.

Miscellaneous Tools

Here is an Excel spreadsheet that decodes the DCAD(WIN).MSG files syntax for mapping the keyboard interrupts to internal DataCAD functions. In plain English, "Do you want to change it so that 'M' and 'm' both activate the Move command?" This file will explain how to do this and much more. With this spreadsheet you can make some elaborate changes. NOTE: Changes to your DCADWIN.MSG file are not recommended by DATACAD. If you make changes, back up your original first. You will not receive any tech support for issues arising from modifications to your .MSG file. Download a copy of this file.

Extended character codes for use in keyboard macros, icon toolbars, and command line aliases.

Built-in function numbers for use in icon toolbars.

Macros in Progress

The following programs are either NOT feature complete or Beta level software. They are works in progress and are provided for your use AS IS. They might work and they might crash your whole machine. Your use of these programs constitutes your acceptance of these risks. Please try them out and give us your comments.

Poly Master - BETA 7 - This macro is the beginning of a suite of tools to work with 3D entities. It includes routines for creating polygons, generating a site model from 3D contours, converting various 2D entities to 3D entities and rotating and enlarging surfaces of revolutions which are generated from a profile in elevation using the 4 divisions method. The conversion routines are far from complete. At this time it only supports converting from 2D line to 3D line, polygon or slab correctly. It will also convert from 3D line to a cylinder but the cylinder will not be rotated correctly.

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